Brisbane ICT – The Future of Coastal Design

UniCote® Coastal at Brisbane International Cruise Terminal: The Brisbane International Cruise Terminal (BICT) is a landmark project in Queensland, meticulously designed by Arkhefield and strategically located at Luggage Point. This expansive terminal features a 208-metre-long wharf and a 270-metre-long elevated walkway, designed to accommodate the world’s largest cruise ships.

UniCote® Coastal - Superior Performance in Coastal Environments: UniCote® Coastal (formerly Magnaflow) was extensively used in the roofing and cladding of BICT, chosen for its exceptional longevity and advanced protective properties. Featuring a zinc/aluminium/magnesium alloy coating, UniCote® Coastal provides superior corrosion resistance, self-healing properties, and compliance with fire and thermal resistance standards, making it ideal for demanding coastal applications.

Economic and Social Impact: The BICT project is expected to contribute A$1.3 billion to the Brisbane economy over the next two decades, supporting numerous jobs during its construction and operational phases and significantly boosting cruise tourism in the region.

Explore the State-of-the-Art Facilities

Check out BICT’s proximity to the waterfront and find out why UniCote Coastal is the unmatched steel choice!

Project Gallery

Explore the full collection of images in our Gallery.

Take a look at the inspiring images from the Brisbane International Cruise Ship Terminal in our inspiration gallery. You’ll see how our UniCote® Coastal product enhances the terminal’s sleek and modern design.